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Would you like to gain practical experience in addition to learning the theoretical basics during your studies? Take your next career step at Brugg…
High-voltage cable systems reach age or capacity limits System modernisation is currently an important topic for many operators of high-voltage cable…
Discover exciting opportunities at Brugg Cables at the Aargauer Lehrstellenbörse.
Exciting news! Brugg Cables is proud to announce its collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano. The Politecnico di Milano, located in the heart of…
The FHNW School of Engineering is therefore founding the StromCircle network together with industry partners Brugg Cables and the PFIFFNER Group to…
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Courses on power cables and accessories
The generation of renewable energies, particularly in the north of Germany, as well as the necessary expansion of the electricity grids, is actively…
Whether you're a network operator or a large-scale industrial customer, nowadays you are facing higher demands on the stability and reliability of…
Visit us at the 10th EXPO Energietechnik, which will take place on Wednesday, 30 August 2023 and Thursday, 31 August 2023 in Niederurnen GL. Our Brugg…