Our application tips

Your application is our first impression of you. So please think about your personal qualifications and ask yourself what exactly makes you stand out for this position. Also think about us: ask yourself who will read your application and what will interest your interview partners most - and emphasise this information in particular.

Cover letter:

With your cover letter, you go into more detail about certain points on your CV. Give us a first impression of your personality and show why you are the right candidate for the position and what expertise you bring to the table.

Your curriculum vitae:

Your curriculum vitae - precise, clear, meaningful:

  • Show us already with your CV that you have understood the job advertisement by emphasising the skills and experience that are important for the position.
  • Use active, direct language and a simple, clear design.
  • Think especially about the points that catch our eye first: Your relevant work experience, education and expertise.
  • Be concise: your CV should not exceed two pages.

Job interview:

The job interview is your opportunity to present yourself from your best side and at the same time find out whether Brugg Cables is the right employer for you.


Find out more about our company and your future business area.

Think about your strengths and your development potential in relation to the specific position.

Think of examples that you can use to demonstrate certain required skills - for example, from your professional / school career, your social commitment or your hobbies.

Make a note of any open questions that you would like to ask during the interview.


Be punctual and dress appropriately.

Listen carefully and answer our questions as precisely as possible. Ideally, you should have examples to prove your performance.

We know that an interview is always a stressful situation for the applicant. Nevertheless, don't let yourself get carried away and try to appear confident and motivated.

Be honest and authentic - after all, we want to hear what you have to say, not what you think we want to hear.

Ask us questions to find out more about the position and Brugg Cables.


Human Resources
+41 56 201 37 77
